Sunday, March 19, 2006

Trying new things

I did some more new things this weekend. I joined the Ultimate Frisbee league that was supposed to start today. My friends and I had a little practice Friday afternoon since a lot of us (including me) have never played before. We went out for St. Paddy's day that night. It was D, Shelan, Tripti, Dustin, John J, Tonya, Shannon, Chris, Jolene, John M, and later on Valerie and Cara ... and possibly others that I forgot. We went to this Irish pub called Fado's. As expected it was packed. The line was huge, and the wait was probably an hour. Luckily, some of them got there earlier, and we were able to sneak in using their wristbands. :-) I had some Irish Car Bombs for the first time. They were really good! I took a bunch of pics. We met this Indian dude who invited us to a party Saturday night. And we saw this Indian girl that we were giving D crap about because he wouldn't go talk to her. It's not very often you see an Indian girl around here, so you gotta take advantage. He eventually approached her and talked to her for a while. She seemed pretty cool.

Saturday, I went snowshoeing for the first time. That was a lot of fun. My friend John Jost ended up driving this big passenger van because they needed volunteer drivers. It was Shelan, Tripti, Dustin, John J, Jolene, and me along with some other people we didn't know. We went to Estes Park, and snowshoed most of the afternoon.

Again, I took tons of pictures! We took pictures and videos of birds eating out of our hands. We had fun going "off trail" and just playing in the snow (the snowshoe rentals weren't really that good in deep stuff). We tried to see how buried we could get ourselves. We got knee-deep several times, but it was fun when someone fell over and got nearly buried.

It was a pretty warm day, so it was a lot of fun. We grabbed lunch afterwards and made our way home. Last night, my friends and I just stayed at home and watched this Hindi movie, Devdas. I thought it was good, but my friends didn't like it. I had to read the subtitles, so I think a lot was lost in translation, but I thought it was done well. The story wasn't anything original, but still.

Today, we were supposed to have our first game of Ultimate, but it was cancelled because of the rain/snow. Oh well ... guess there's next week. I'm excited and nervous to try it out. Supposedly the teams are pretty laid back, so it should be good. So yea, a bunch of us ended up going to see "V for Vendetta" this afternoon. I thought it was really good. I didn't know much about it, but I enjoyed it a lot. Shelan tried to rent "Bride and Prejudice" to watch tonight, but couldn't find it. So I think we might watch "The Count of Monte Cristo" which I've seen before, but don't mind watching again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow those pics look pretty amazing! So what exactly is snow shoeing? do you just pretty much walk through the snow? It looks like so much fun! We def need to come out sometime to try it...yeah I know I know all talk and no follow-through..maybe someday... ;)