Tuesday, June 27, 2006


So I went to the dentist a couple of weeks ago, and I mentioned how I never had braces. The hygienist says it's really rare nowadays for someone to have straight teeth without braces. I thought about what she said, as I tend to do. Really, do that many people get braces? I was surprised by what she said. So I thought, by natural selection, humans as a race would get better teeth because the people with straight teeth are more likely to procreate. But now, braces changed the game. Now, people with an unfavorable characteristic were on a level playing field with everyone else. As a result, humans' teeth are staying the same or even getting worse. Thus, more people who need braces, and the cyclical process continues. I don't like the sound of that ... but I'm sure orthodontists love it. The same thing could be said about the drug industry. We're screwing up natural selection!

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