Friday, January 12, 2007

Words of Wisdom

I look like a chipmunk and talk like Sloth. Yes, I just had my wisdom teeth removed. Am I less wise now? A lot of people would say I was unwise before to opt to not get sedated and just take local anesthetic. I'd say it went well, and I'm happy with my decision (for now ... we'll see when the pain sets in). I mean it did start off with 12 shots in the mouth, but that really sounds worse than it was. :) Unfortunately, the earbuds of my iPod kept falling out, but luckily the whole process didn't take very long. And the surgeon was pretty cool and funny, so that made it better. Although, I hate it when they have 5 things in your mouth and insist on asking you a question. You'd think they'd learn in dentistry school that people can't talk with stuff in their mouth ... esp while they're under an anesthetic!

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