Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Isn't life great? Part III - The cruelty and irony of it

Okay, so here I am. I should be getting my brace off in a week or so. However, I want to mention a few more thoughts about my accident:

The Cruelty/Irony
  • Not being able to play ultimate. I'd been so excited about throwing the disc around and playing. Even the week this happened, I was trying to get a group together to throw around because I had the itch. I even told Leon that I wasn't sure about going to Echo Mountain that week because I kinda wanted to throw around that day. I had even signed up for one league and verbally committed to playing with my friends in another before this happened. I should be getting a refund soon in the league I had signed up for, at least. And my other team found a replacement. I've been going to throw around with friends recently, but without being able to run or jump, it's really not the same.
  • We were on the lift at Echo Mountain when I told Leon that perhaps we should've just put off coming there until the following week since we were planning to go to Vail Saturday, and I was probably going to go boarding Sunday and/or Saturday. I told him it'd be unfortunate if we got hurt. I don't think I knocked on wood.
  • This is kind of a stretch, but I always log off my computer at work because we're technically supposed to. I found out that a lot of people don't, but I still always did. That day I went to Echo Mountain was the first day I decided not to log off.
  • I had finally gotten into a decent workout regiment before this happened. I was going to the gym somewhat regularly (still not great, though), doing exercises at home pretty regularly and getting lots of protein. I was starting to work my abs in addition to my upper body. I didn't have a well-defined six-pack yet, but if I stood the right way, you could see them coming in. The abs are more or less gone in my five weeks of inactivity. I'm curious what kind of shape I'll be in after another month or so when I can finally run and do stuff.
  • Weather - The average high temperature here in the twenty days prior to my injury: 35°F - most of this winter has been pretty frigid for this area. Coupled with the massive amounts of snow we received in the city, it made it very difficult to do anything outside whereas normally, it's not unusual to be able to go out for a run or whatever every few weeks.
    The average high temperature here in the past month: 58.5°F ... the past two weeks 68.5°F ... both well above our average for this time of the year. Beautiful weather for ultimate, running, volleyball, even boarding ... but alas, I can't enjoy it.
  • Weather Part 2 - What's worse about the weather is that my brace is rather warm. It's like having an extra layer. I started out wearing a t-shirt underneath it, and long-sleeve shirt over it when it was still a little cold. This was like having three layers. As it warmed up, I quickly realized that was not going to work, so I started wearing the brace without a t-shirt and eventually had to start pulling out the short-sleeved shirts. Unfortunately, I have a lot more long-sleeve shirts that can fit around the brace, so lately it's been a little difficult finding a shirt to wear. Even still, I get really sweaty if I happen to be outside in the >60° weather. It's kinda gross, so I can't even bask in the weather.
  • Weather Part 3 - I got a handicapped parking tag thinking that if the weather continued with the snow/ice, my trek to work from the parking lot every day could get hazardous. Moreover, it'd just be nice to not have to walk ¼ mile from my car to work in the freezing cold. But, my parking spot has been more or less useless, and I've even parked out further so I can at least get a little exercise. At this point, it sounds like I'm just whining (and maybe I am), but getting a handicapped spot was the one few bright sides of this ordeal.
  • The day of the incident, I sent my boss an email saying that I was heading out early that day, but that I'd still have all my hours in for the week even though I was taking Friday off, too. That of course, did not happen.

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